Friday, October 19, 2007

Dumb Quotes

Okay! So I was watching the 40 Dumbest Celeb Quotes Ever last night on VH1 and there were some really dumb quotes on there, you know, cuz it is called 40 Dumbest Celeb Quotes Ever. I decided to write some on my blog because I haven't written on this in forever.


Dumb quote # 1. A zebra doesn't change it's spots. - Al Gore

Dumb quote # 2. Smoking kills and if you get killed, then you have lost an important part of life. - Brooke Shields

Dumb quote # 3. I was taking a tour of Latin America and the only thing I regret is that I didn't study Latin more in school. - Dan Quayle

Dumb quote # 4. I'm sounding like Jessica Simpson right now. She's looking like a rock scientist. - Tara Reid

Dumb quote # 5. Is there a big frog in my hair? I feel it. It's not about looks, it's about the sensation of my brain being eaten. - Joaquin Phoenix

Dumb quote # 6. We're gonna turn this team around 360°. - Jason Kidd ( He's saying that he wants to improve the team but if you understand math, You would know that 360° is a circle. If you improved 360°, then you would be the same as how you started.)

Dumb quote # 7. What's the Wall Street Journal? Is it bad? - Paris Hilton

This next one, Shaq was asked if he went to the Parthenon when he visited Greece.
Dumb quote # 8. I really don't remember all the clubs we went to. - Shaq

Dumb quote # 9. It's great being in the state of Chicago. - Dan Quayle

Dumb quote # 10. I don't really want to go to Japan because I don't like fish and I know fish is really popular in Africa.

I have some blonde moments like them sometimes. HA!


OliveSoul#4 said...

I don't even remember you typing this. I don't even think I SAW you type this. Was I playing my (rented, but I want it for X-mas) game????

Anyways, those are some dumb quotes! I used the Al Gore quote for my quote of the week, hope you don't mind. ^_^

Andrea said...


She lives! (or your mommy did it for you - which is what I suspect)

The TapeEar said...


enN2sp said...

Doesn't her picture go with her comment? ^

This one to me is the dumbest one.

Dumb quote # 3. I was taking a tour of Latin America and the only thing I regret is that I didn't study Latin more in school. - Dan Quayle

alli-gal said...

Who was that last quote from? Wow....who really thinks Japan is in Africa??

Those quotes made me laugh HARD!!!!!

Shaq's was pretty good!!

OliveSoul#4 said...

That last one was Brittany Spears!!!

alli-gal said...

Oh, that doesn't surprise me at all!! Britney isn't the brightest little star in Hollywood........

Andrea said...

Hey Manda, how about posting your Christmas list?

Please include pants, shirt and shoe sizes - or send me those on email.


Andrea said...

Where's your dadgum Christmas list?

While you're at it, go fix yourself a quesa-dilla!

OliveSoul#4 said...


Andrea said...

You no posty no Christmas list, you don't get no Christmas presenties.

OliveSoul#4 said...


sela said...


Here's her Napolean Dynamite Christmas list:
A pitcher of egg yolks
Fake neck brace (for the broken bone sympathy)
Napolean Dynamite DVD
Microwaved Steak on a plate
pocket protector
Napolean headband
tube socks
"How to Dance" VHS tape
Glamour Shots gift card
Chap Stick (my lips hurt real bad!)
A chicken with large talons
Something named Tina (so she can feed it and yell at it whenever she wants)

sela said...

...and Moon Boots!

OliveSoul#4 said...

Don't forget:
A Pinata
Fake buck teeth
Napolean Dynamite posters
A wig
Some ponytail holders (For that side ponytail)
A football
A sweet ride
A gold chain


OliveSoul#4 said...

Oh yeah...."The Dumby's Guide to Computer Hacking Skills" on casset

sela said...

LOL. Numbchucks!! YES! She needs more skills.

Right, and I forgot about that sweet ride...GOSH!

OliveSoul#4 said...

Oops! I didn't see "football" on your list. Here's more:

A drawing pad
A cage for her Liger
A medal for milk tasting skills
A 5th utter
A (new)bike ramp
An action figure
A time machine
A 12-gage for hunting woverines

OliveSoul#4 said...

Dagnabit, Manda! Annea wants your Christmas list!