Thursday, March 08, 2007


Okay! I'm finally doin another post. Guess what!? There was two fights at school today. The first one was in third period. I was in science playin a game.This girl named Aryn walked into the classroom with a bloody hand and just stood there at the side of the classroom. Another girl named Brittney bit her! Mr.Julian walked over to Aryn and asked her why she was in there. She said that she got in a fight with Brittney. A couple minutes later she said, "I hope she doesn't have aids." It was funny man. Then, Mr. Sargent came to get Aryn. Mr. Sargent is the assistant principal. I don't know what happened to them. They probably got suspended.

The other fight was during lunch. I was sitting next to my friend, Hayle. Yesterday Sara and Hayle were arguing. Anyway, Hayle had her feet on the seat across from her because she didn't want Sara to sit there. They hate each other. Sara walked in and told Hayle to move her feet. Hayle said,"NO!" Sara told hayle that if she doen't move then she is gonna sit on her feet. Hayle said ,"Do it then." So she sat down. Then a few seconds later, Sara pushed Hayle's feet off of the seat. Hayle almost fell out of her seat because she is so short. Hayle screamed at Sara and said," I said don't f****** touch me you b****!" The cafeteria got quiet really fast. Sara screamed at Hayle and said,"Don't f****** talk to me like that you dumb***!" Mr. Sargent was in the cafeteria that whole time. He went over to our table and told them to go to the office right now. They got suspended for two days.

That was what my day was like!


Andrea said...

Hmmmm, doesn't it sound like some nice kids in your school? Lovely manners if I do say so myself.

If I were you, I'd find some kids to hang out with that don't get in trouble.

alli-gal said...

I remember seeing a few fights when I was in school. I think it happens a lot more often now. if we got in a fight, we got paddled at school...we always called it getting Whacks. somebody would say, "so and so did this, and he got FOUR Whacks for it!!!!" Too bad the teachers and priciples aren't allowed to WHACK some of those kids!!!! Sounds like they may need it.

I'm just glad YOU didn't get in a fight :-)

The TapeEar said...

I never get in fights. I'm known as the good kid in school that doesn't talk much. But to my friends, I'm the nice, funny kid that talks a lot.

OliveSoul#4 said...

Yeah, only with me, she gets in fights